Growth Media Productions announces the release of the documentary “Voices of the Holocaust,” to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the invasion of Poland. The film features interviews with nine Holocaust survivors recounting their stories of heartbreak and hope through the dark days of World War II.

“To the current generation, World War II is ancient history,” says executive producer Darla Gaige. “It is something that they read about in their history books, but isn’t real to them. Seeing these individuals, hearing their stories, changes that. It takes it out of the realm of abstract and makes it real and personal to them. And with the trend of denial of the Holocaust, and the dwindling number of Holocaust survivors, it is important that these stories be remembered.”

“This was one of the hardest films I have ever done, but also one of the most fulfilling,” says Clint Gaige, executive producer of the documentary. “I look at my kids, and can’t imagine what it must have been like to have your childhood marked by one of the most tragic events in human history. And while their stories are heartbreaking, I have never seen a more inspiring group of individuals.”

Voices of the Holocaust is currently airing on numerous public television stations across the country, and Growth Media has launched an Indiegogo campaign to help raise funds to provide DVDs of the documentary to schools and libraries at no cost. You can help share these stories with students across the country by visiting

Voices of the Holocaust will be available on in September. A preview of the documentary can be found below