Plastic Barricades has released a double video feature in the form of videos for their new tracks titled ‘Lucid in the Fall’ and ‘Tallest Trees’ from the upcoming ‘We Stayed Indoors’ album.

Created using the latest developments in artificial intelligence and text-to-image algorithms, Plastic Barricades’ new videos are literally driven by the music and interpreted by those algorithms. Feeling is left to the viewer, which is handled pristinely by the music.

Those familiar with Plastic Barricades can get that feeling from the music in only the way they can on a personal level. to those freshly indoctrinated, welcome to the fold. Plastic Barricades is an experience as much as it is a band. Speaking to you with such sweet creativity and subtle originality in a way only the best artists can, today you get two new favorite tracks. Enjoy.

About Plastic Barricades

Shimmering bass and ringing guitars
Meaningful lyrics healing your scars
Heart-breaking beat put on repeat
Mystical keyboards make us complete
Curious, happy, honest and sad
Future of mankind makes us gloomy and mad
Don’t try to run, nowhere to hide
There is no escape from our little Plastic Tribe!

Hey you, the curious and the lonesome! You are probably on a quest for a “once upon a time…” kind of story, where the struggling musicians discover their true genius at the very bottom and then become spoiled with attention, start acting like “rock-stars”, sell their souls to the Devil and ruin some lives along the way, but then find forgiveness and peace in the art itself, settling for a quiet and a bit reclusive life on a farm in the south of somewhere.

Well, all that did happen, but it will take a long while to describe on a random website in the vast ocean of the Internet. Besides, I am sure you’ve heard it all before. So how about instead we will just explain what Plastic Barricades are for.

Ever felt truly alone in your personal quest for meaning? Lonesome in a big crowd of cheerful friends? Never truly fitting in the online world of instant gratification and permanent records? Awkward in front of a camera or on a dance floor? Daydreaming in that beautiful world of literature and art? Experiencing strong feelings when listening to music? Feeling truly sorry for the cruelty of the world and looking for ways to make it a bit better?

If you have answered “yes” to at least some of these – congratulations, you are in the right place.

We believe that any art form can have truly transformative powers and soothe a wounded soul. The world today needs empathy more than ever – and art helps with that. Humankind has suffered enough. The Planet has suffered enough. In the times when we are all connected we somehow feel even more alone. This can change if we embrace our differences and celebrate our kindness, open our hearts to change and fight our fears for the sake of reinventing ourselves.

We play music because we just cannot stop feeling things that need expressing – and making noises through speakers is the only way we’ve learnt. This is how we look for answers to the difficult questions and find some peace in the turbulent times.

Let’s feel things together – and let’s be better together!