Independent Film, Set Me Free, written and directed by Marcus “Big Spence” Spencer, premiers at the Harlem International Film Festival Saturday, Sept. 13 at the Maysles Cinema in Harlem, New York. The story follows four young men who struggle with challenges of maturing in a community filled with temptations and strife. The film stars actors Skipper Elekwachi, Alphonso Thompson, Alan ‘A.Wal’ Walker, Big Spence, Anquenitta Williams and Jonez Cain.

Spencer loosely based the award winning film around four key stages in his own life. The film has won awards for Best Dramatic Feature in the Independent Film Quarterly Filmand Webisode Festival and is the Official Selection of the 13th Urban Mediamakers Film Festival. Actress Jonez Cain who is seen in many of Spencer’s films says, “It’s been wonderful to have Set Me Free accepted all over the United States – to know that our hard work is not in vain.” Spencer is also the winner of the Best Director Awardat the Columbia Gorge International Film Festival in Vancouver, Washington. The cast and crew are elated the film is garnering national attention.

Join Actor/Director Marcus “Big Spence” Spencer and Actress Jonez Cain at the Harlem International Film Festival on Saturday, Sept. 13 at 8 p.m. View the film at the Maysles Cinema, 343 Malcolm X Blvd. and Lenox Ave (Between 127th and 128th Streets).