Award winning stars Julianne Michelle and Steven Bauer are leads in the must- see feature film Awakened now on VOD… Verizon FIOS, Cox, ITunes and just about all cable platforms in your own home. Steven Bauer (Scarface) also stars at present on the TV hit “Ray Donovan”. Julianne Michelle is one of today’s most talented and beautiful movie stars. She stars in seven upcoming motion pictures including a Trilogy in 2015 and 2016. She is also lauching her magnificent jewelry line in December 2014.

Awakened is a supernatural thriller that gives hope to people of all backgrounds and faiths from everywhere and Awakened makes everyone think about life, love and help from beyond the grave.

After you enjoy this remarkable and unique movie, let us know how you feel about life after death and the message of Awakened. YOU DECIDE and let us know. You will then be eligible for a special gift and a VIP invitation to a red carpet event to meet and speak with a star of Awakened. Phone us at (917) 604-4893 email at and leave a full message including your name and phone number or email contact. YOU MAY WIN our drawing in Nov. 2014.

Awakened has an award winning cast including Julianne Michelle, Steven Bauer, John Savage, Edward Furlong, Sally Kirkland OSCAR nominee, Stelio Savante… Bryan Dechart, Sean Stone, Erin Gerasovich and Kiva Dawson. See full cast on