Tag: I Have So Much Love To Give


    The Test Drive: Occurrence – I Have So Much Love to Give

    Occurrence has today released their new album titled 'I Have So Much to Give'. Just two days from our premiere of their last video 'My Eternal Autumn', the rest of the story finally unfolds.

    First Look: Occurrence – My Eternal Autumn

    https://www.youtube.com/embed/dkCxln1RiPo Occurrence have officially premiered their new video for the single titled 'My Eternal Autumn'. As with our last review for the video for the titled track, 'I Have So Much Love to Give', we...

    First Look: Occurrence – I Have So Much Love To Give

    https://www.youtube.com/embed/eVSezV3_vc4 Occurrence has released their new video for the track titled 'I Have So Much Love To Give'. An updated and twisted rendition of 'Little Red Riding Hood', the video gives an artistic and interpretive...