Tag: Peter Gabriel

Jammerzine Exclusive: An Interview with XTC Author Mark Fisher

When a band, or any kind of artist for that matter, has such a positively fervent following, as XTC does, the music and stories surrounding that band or artist can elevate to a kind of...

Mark Fisher is Releasing a New Book on Legendary Band XTC Titled ‘What Do...

From Mark Fisher, the editor of 'The XTC Bumper Book of Fun for Boys and Girls', comes a new musical exploration of one of the most essential pop groups of the 20th century. 'What...

Slash To Be Honored With The Les Paul Award

Iconic guitarist Slash will receive the prestigious Les Paul Award during the 30th Annual NAMM Technical Excellence & Creativity Awards, to be held Saturday, January 24 in Anaheim, California. Comedian Sinbad will provide the...