The OddEven has released their new video for the track titled ‘Another Nail’, from their upcoming album ‘Darkness’, releasing on January 5th via Eclipse Records.

“Another Nail is about being honest with yourself and if you can see your own shadow, you will realize what things you should let go of to find a better place,” says bassist Weed. “When we filmed this video, we took a journey through time and space to an unearthly destination where we found aliens and human beings in an altered state. We aren’t exactly sure of what was happening throughout the video, but we believe those humans were morphing away from their Earthly forms in a quest to find renewed purpose and happiness.”

About The OddEven & ‘Darkness’

The new album by The OddEven is entitled Darkness, and we had all better strap in and get ready to fly hard and fast. The band features Chris Volz of FLAW on lead vocals, Tosha Jones (x-Saliva) on drums. The record is not just a collection of rock tunes, but more a journey to nightmares, dreamscapes, thrill rides, and butcher knives.

The hypnotic vocals are strange and addictive, as the guitar work is eerie, fulfilling, uplifting, and bold. That said, it is finally the monstrous bass-oriented groove that defines this record, ignited by a hurricane of exceptional drumming and explosive hooks that bring us deep into the blast radius. Darkness is an invitation, precious and personal like a treasured pattern of body ink, and their suggestion is that we become a part of the experience by letting the music spark our wildest imaginations.

They set us free to become exotic savages on distant planets, heroes in a hot-rods playing chicken with the stars, and psychedelic villains chasing shadows to the underworld. They make us want to stand on our chairs with our fists in the air, then go home from the show hoarse and happy. They want us all to keep hold of the groove.

They want to make all of us Rock Gods. Darkness was produced by Weed and E.T., alongside Frank Marchand (Fiona Apple, Nils Lofgren) at Waterford Digital, and mastered by Alan Douches (Mastodon, Monster Magnet, Fleetwood Mac) at West West Side Music. The album will be released on January 5, 2024 by Eclipse Records.

Featured image by Will Cline.