The Ricos have just premiered their new video titled ‘Local Tourist’. A beautiful and misty-eyed song from the start, the video finds that tale of life at a crossroads. Is our subject free? Is he still a slave to his life? What is the life he wants versus the life he made? Starkly shot to fit the song, ‘Local Tourist’ can be a lesson learned or a life lost. That is up to you, in the end.

Musically, the tone sets the mood with an introverted way and an airy soundscape that can be as captivating as it is captured in the moment.

You have just met The Ricos.

Featured image by Kiara Laserna.

About ‘Local Tourist’

Directed/edited by Joseph B. Purcell
Shot by Jake Kasperek
Set Design by Thomas J. Henderson & Eric Hart
Additional editing/coloring by Jake Kasperek

‘Employee’ played by JayJ Walsh
‘Webmaster’ played by Béla Ghosh
‘Kidnapper’ played by Joseph B. Purcell
‘Getaway Driver’ played by Eric Hart

Special thanks to Cherry Hill, NJ’s Monster Mini Golf, Randi Lister, Lindsey Marter, Val McAdams, Jack O’Brien, Tom Kelly, Kieran Ferris & Expressway Cinema Rentals

EP Release Show

  • The Ricos/Andy Loebs/Tomato Flower/Grant Pavol
  • Khyber Pass Pub
    56 South 2nd Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19106
  • Fri, July 1, 2022
  • 8:00 PM – 11:59 PM EDT