As if plucked from a tree that grew nothing but riffs has sprouted this filler-less tribute to that tried and true grifter tactic known as the “pyramid scheme”. The scheme in this case, however, the Sunday church worship. Says Escapists frontman Simon Clancy: “to me it felt like a pyramid scheme, where you get in at the bottom and hope you’re not the last.”. Whatever your religious beliefs are, and we should all keep in mind at how vast those beliefs, or lack thereof are, what is undeniable is the conviction and catchiness of “Pyramid Scheme”. The song is meticulously crafted in the very style that Escapists emulate as a group with Simon’s well phrased high metered vocal melodies, guitar driven harmonies and a pounding rhythm that beautifully builds to the chorus almost to the point where it should be relabeled “the moneyshot”. Escapists, in my opinion, have always had the talent of taking social commentary and making it art. If this song were a painting, however, in this case the music would be the frame and the message would be the canvas.

About Escapists
When Escapists’ vocalist Simon Glancy moved to London to concentrate on his songwriting, he asked the only musical friend he knew to help record his ideas. Enter Oli Court, future Escapists guitarist. Oli drafted in his friend, composer Max Perryment, to play bass and the trio spent a week of intensive sessions finalising Glancy’s ideas before deciding their musical camaraderie was worth pursuing. Oli’s former schoolmate Andy Walsh was enlisted to round off the lineup on drums and before long they were recording indie rock inspired by Simon and Oli’s university listening habits: Arcade Fire, The National and Broken Social Scene.
Escapists’ debut single was picked up and broadcast by XFM’s John Kennedy and within the year they toured with Imagine Dragons and made their festival debut at Reading and Leeds. Their debut album ‘Only Bodies’ was written in the first half of 2013 and released in 2014 to general appraisal from the blogosphere. Towards the end of last year they followed it up with the standalone single ‘Faraday Cage’, packaged with a striking update of the Talking Heads classic ‘This Must Be The Place’ – it was a fitting homage to a band who, like Escapists, were bent on pushing the parameters of new wave. This year Escapists remain true grafters and their all-killer five-track EP, ‘Eat You Alive’ is evidence of a band who have morphed into thought-provoking post-punk powerhouses bent on indie disco domination.
SOURCE: Official Bio
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12/11/2015,Birthdays, London N16
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