After more than 20 years of making music, Mike Meier (acoustic guitar) and Rosalinda Bird (flutes) finally released a music CD. They performed throughout the 1990s in the Washington DC area as LaPeña. Their music CD is now available.

The CD liner notes explain the background: This CD came into being in the spur of the moment. Rosalinda and I performed in the Washington, D.C. area in the 1990s under the name “LaPeña.” “In 1993, we recorded and released music on cassette tape (yes, that was still common in those days). In the ensuing years, we never got around to recording more, something always got in the way. The years passed. Then Rosalinda received notice that she only had a few weeks to live. I was with her at that appointment, and took her to a restaurant thereafter so that we could talk. As the waitress rattled down the special “low fat” and “healthy” choices on the menu,” Rosalinda said “thank you, but that health food thing hasn’t really worked for me.” As soon as I got home, I called the recording studio and reserved two days. So, with very little preparation and forethought, we walked in and recorded what became this CD. It may not have captured Rosalinda at her best, but it sure captured her spirit.

The CD is for sale at CD Baby and

In real life, Mike Meier is a lawyer for an international aviation services company. The website for the newly released CD is

*Spanish for circle or group. Used for groups of artists who meet regularly, like for example the group of artists who met at the famous Café Tortoni in Buenos Aires, Argentina.