I recently had the opportunity to attend the Percussive Arts Society (PAS) event in Indianapolis. If you are not familiar with this PAS let me clue you in on this phenomenal organization.

This organization promotes education, research, performance and appreciation for percussionists on a worldwide level. Members range from students all the way up to high profile musicians like Jason Sutter (Smash Mouth, Marilyn Manson and others) to She-e Wu (Philadelphia Orchestra Chamber Music Series, Carnegie Hall and more). The primary focus of the organization overall is to over a way for students and professionals alike to grow in not only an artistic manner but also on a professional level as well.

The event, which was hosted at the Indianapolis Convention Center, was an experience I will not soon forget! This was my first percussion expo and it was AMAZING. There were so many different panels and workshops to attend that it was almost impossible to attend all of them that peaked my interest! Some of my favorite clinics from the event included: the DrumLine Battle which featured four different high schools and four different colleges going head to head in a heated battle of beats. DrumLine battles have always been one of my favorites- not only are they loud, but it is an art form of precision and intense focus that always seems to draw me in. It’s an exciting series of events to witness and the talent and sheer passion from each musician is admirable.

Another event during the expo was witnessing the Hit Like A Girl showcase winner, Reisha Fayson. I am a firm believer that is the village girl who will change the world, no matter what industry it may be- and Reisha is just the gal to prove me right! So check it- not only is she a self taught percussionist, but she managed to beat out 374 other super talented ladies from over 43 countries to win this title. I have nothing but mad respect for this young, inspiring musician. She is definitely one you will want to keep your eye on- trust me on this. I simply love that PAS empowers and encourages young female musicians to pursue a career in this typically male dominated field. Speaking of female inspirations, another one of my favorite performers at the event was Jason Sutter.

Sutter is most notably recognized for drumming with Marilyn Manson, and most recently, Smash Mouth. I have followed Mr. Sutter’s career since he toured for New York Dolls in 2011. Learning various techniques and how Sutter likes to practice jazz during his off time (especially after his loud, raucous touring with Manson) allows fans and aspiring musicians a behind the scenes look of what it’s like to be a touring musician in high demand. It goes to prove that all high profile musicians, like Sutter, are down to earth with an infectious, can do attitude. It also shows up and coming musicians and students alike, that anything is possible, if you are willing to go out there and get it.

Aside of the panels, lets talk shop for a moment, and by shop, I mean exhibitors galore! So many exhibitors, so little time. Everything from mallets, to cases, sticks, heads, skins and more. It was a percussionists dreamland! Of course you had big names like Vic Firth, Sam Ash, Regal, Sabian, Regal Tip, Ludwig, along with 100+ other exhibitors on display during the event.

One of the best things about events like PASIC, is that it allows everyone from every level of talent, from aspiring talent to touring musician to get close to their fans. I definitely intend on attending future PAS events and would love to feature some of their members in upcoming features for Jammerzine. If you are a percussionist, or would like to learn more about this tremendous organization, scope them out on Facebook and be sure to view their official website. If you are like me, and are amped up for the 2015 event, don’t worry- you can check out all the information for the event on their official website as well.

I would like to take a moment to thank PAS for allowing me an insiders view into their tremendous organization. I can’t wait until 2015 when I can give my listeners, readers, and viewers an inside, behind the scenes tour of PASIC live from the event, as it unfolds!


About Brody Ramone:
Brody Ramone is an internationally syndicated radio producer and host and winner of the International Radio Festival Best DJ category. She can be heard every week on JammerStream One playing the best in new and emerging music with her show #DirtyGlitter.

Brody Ramone’s #DirtyGlitter can be heard every Wednesday at Noon and 9PM US Eastern and every Saturday at 11 & 11 US Eastern on JammerStream One.