You may know avante-garde electronic trip hop artist, Mahsa Zargaran, as part of the LA rock group Sabrosa Purr and as one of two drummers for Big Black Delta  but this LA talent singer-songwriter and drummer has more than just beats in her. The LA based songstress better known as Omniflux recently released her latest single, Lawless Flawless as part of her upcoming album and it is damn sexy. While the track is synth based there are elements of a classic undertone that haunts the overall track and I can only imagine it carrying through the entire album.

Give it a listen below and let me know what you think!

RIYL: Wren, Dekades, War Widow and Nova Heart

Brody Ramone’s #DirtyGlitter can be heard every Wednesday at Noon and 9PM US Eastern and every Saturday at 11 & 11 US Eastern on JammerStream One.