Odd Crew is not just a band. It’s a family. We’ve been together since we were young kids back in 1998. We were dreamers back then…Today our dream has become a way of living and we put all of our love and energy in it.

It’s hard to make music nowadays. Throughout the years we’ve done everything with the help of our fans and friends – all those who supported us so we could stay true to ourselves and our music.

All this time we have worked a lot under the name “Kaskadiori”. Then we changed our name to “Odd Crew” and recorded and self-produced 3 more albums in a recording studio we built with our own hands. We gave and we’ll always give our all to music.

Don’t miss the chance to become part of our band history and change our lives forever.

With Just 23 days left in this campaign, your support is urgently needed! Please look at all the rewards they have for those who make a contribution.

Please consider getting involved, at whatever level you can, and help “Odd Crew’s New Album Coming to Life” get funded!

We need your help:
If you can’t afford to donate, don’t worry – there are plenty of other ways you can help. Please take some time to share our campaign across your social networks and encourage your friends and family to donate.

For more information, contact us on oddcrewband@gmail.com
