1. Under The Moon Under The Sun 20 Year Short Break 3:49

Rob Miller and Dan Wright met in a middle school band at the age of 15 and were like brothers from day one. Little by little, the music and bands got better, but it wasn’t enough for success: Their dream faded, and they both went different ways. Rob stuck to recording, and today as a sound studio owner, he first and foremost lets others shine. Dan became an IT specialist and has worked for the biggest companies in Germany for many years. Both started families and have been sacrificing everything for them ever since, but together, they never made music again.

Together at a concert 2018, they rediscovered their dream and decided to create a lasting musical legacy, one that reflects their lives and leaves their children with more than just photos and videos. Rob and Dan’s idea is an artistic inter-generational project that preserves their coming of age stories and later life experiences in sincere, truthful songs.

The songs reflecting two lives that are ordinary – and yet very unusual. Pretty much the way that real people tend to be. And Rob and Dan are real. While they share the songwriting, arrangements, and vocals between themselves, their roles are otherwise clearly defined: Dan does the guitar work, Rob does the production, recording, and mixing. Apart from top drummer Tony from Nashville, Henrik and Gandy on bass, and a backing choir, Rob and Dan did everything on their own.

And you can’t miss it: The combination of Springsteen Rock, Bonamassa Blues, Blake Shelton Country and a shot of metal with a finish like Deep Purple isn’t only as clean as dirty can be, it’s also the basis for lyrics reflecting Rob and Dan’s lives – lyrics that could hardly be more private or intimate. They convey deep experiences; successes, failures, their lives as fathers, and as brothers. Their songs are self-reflections, shared with the Short Breaker Family, and all those who value pure honesty and unique authenticity. For the truth lies in the dust, not in the disco ball.

Rob and Dan take us on a road trip through their lives: Up, down, forward, backward, but always on the move. So clean off your Ray-Bans, fire up the V8, roll down the windows, stick your elbows out, and let’s hit the gas!

What else is gonna’ happen? No one knows. Does it even matter? It sure as hell doesn’t. Rarely has the road been the destination as much as it has been here because very few have the courage to give it a second shot. Especially after a 20-year short break. The fulfillment of a lifelong dream? We sure as hell hope so.

‘Under The Moon, Under The Sun’ is an epic, Rock anthem (part The Darkness part Kings of Leon), that you never realized you needed, until now.

SOURCE: Official Bio
