
Born in Ottawa, Ontario, recording artist Antoine was born into a musical family, His own father was lead singer of 70`s band: The Sheltered Souls. As a child Antoine found any excuse to sing and perform from family reunions, school plays, entering competitions, to talent and variety shows. In school he was artistically involved in all projects imaginable, from drama, radio to band. He was voted most likely to live the American dream.

After years went by, Antoine focused on acting which lead him to many TV commercials, television and movie roles. While being successful as an actor, Antoine felt incomplete but never forgot his first love : MUSIC. After a 10 year hiatus, he finally returns to the world of music. Antoine was recently signed to TheWE.Music Productions with music producer Allon McCall. A brand new beginning to a new career. We shall hear a lot from him in the very near future.