An architect by day (and night) and singer-songwriter by night (and day), I strive for an engaged process with both. Thank you for visiting my site, listening to my music, saying hi at my gigs, and however else you’ve helped make this journey an important one. Here’s a little bit about where I come from:

I’m from Hampden, Maine. It was a great place to grow up. I like cold winters and mild summers. Both are perfect for lying down outside and staring up at the sky. I learned to play keyboard instruments at a young age, thanks to my Mom and Dad.

I went to Cornell University. I studied architecture in the best program in the country. I met my future wife there. I learned how to perform music there, singing in the all-male a cappella group Last Call, and rocking out on the keyboards in a band called Sweet William with my friends Bill, Luke, Larry, Raj, Joe, and Adam. Life was crazy, but balanced: architecture and music. Perfect.

We moved to Boston, worked and played, and figured out how to live in the world. I cut my teeth in the professional world at Donham & Sweeney Architects, spending five formative years there working on police stations, fire stations, and churches.

And now, we live in Pennsylvania. I learned to play the guitar. I am a partner at Blackney Hayes Architects. I play at church sometimes, and I play at bars and restaurants. We have a family. Life is again crazy, but balanced. Perfect.

SOURCE: Official Bio