94832-guitarWe are songs, born of nothing but experience and dreams. To begin DocFell & co. officially formed in 2011 but the seeds were planted many years before. Awoken one night from a dream in early 2009 there was a melody and words running through my mind. I quickly wrote down all my memory served and soon had a working song entitled “I do”. Several years later after fully embracing songwriting we would record this tune along with nine others and release our debut album Scissor tail in December of 2014. Including our first track to receive radio play Tears in Texas, written about a good friend leaving an abusive relationship and finding the courage to do it on her own. All the way to Sweet sugar momma written about my friend Joe and the perils of a traveling musician getting stranded on a cross country gig. The album embraced our personal experiences and those of our family and friends.

Presently with tracks all written for our sophomore album we have begun the process of recording with the first track Oklahoma Lady nearing completion. A love song written to our home state with a vision of her as a lady. We also continue to play in the Cherokee county and surrounding area and look forward to new and amazing opportunities in the coming year.

SOURCE: Official Bio
