I’m Hudson Oliver. I was born in Brazil, moved to NY as a teen and have been here in NYC, for half of my life. I love music, I love writing songs and bringing them into life by recording, performing and making music videos. What I love the most and to see the impact music has on people’s life.

That is why I keep doing it. It’s rewarding to see that my music can positively affect someone’s life. I’ve been playing music with my dad since I was born:-) and I’ve been dancing since I was 9yo. Currently, I teach ballroom dance as my full time “regular” job.

I’ve been through a lot in my life. I was picked on, bullied and abused as a child for being “different” to the point I had to stop going to school. It was very difficult for me to find my identity and form relationships because of the abuse I suffered. I’m still dealing with that.

I was in a major car accident that took my life -for a few seconds. Anyways, I had to fight back to recover and live a “normal” life after all that.

I moved to the US to chase my dreams and recently, I was able to finally share my life experiences (my pain, my love, my happiness, my sorrow, and my glory) through my lyrics. That is how my album “Burn” came to life. I had to take that off my chest. For my own sake and also to help someone out there who might be going through a tough time. I salute to you! Keep going!

Love, Hudson

SOURCE: Official Bio
