Bruno Sylvestre discovered music listening to Pink Floyd. “I had my 10th birthday and I received from my cousin a K7 and a cassette recorder. The side A was Dark Side of the Moon and side B was Mac Cartney and the Wings, the Red Rose album. I would play every night my new toy to fall asleep. I don’t know how many time I’ve listened to Dark Side.”

Sheep’s Power, created by Bruno Sylvestre, is a virtual band. Bruno is a guitarist since his teens. Working in a home studio following some money he received after having been in a motorcycle accident. He was left paralyzed in the right arm. In his debut, he worked with a Fostex R8 and Emagic, the predecessor of Logic Pro.

He tried to fill his 23 minutes tapes in the way of Mike Olfield. “My goal was to finish a new project in October of each year.” In 2005 it was more easy to work. Everything could be digitally recorded and in a few clicks of a mouse, you would write of musical arrangements very quickly. “I wanted to experiment electro music with samples and add guitars. I realized 12 instrumental pieces for the album Drive your Car. The cover design was made by my son when he was 5 years old. I was happy with the result. But in term of marketing, it was awful. I choose BRS as a nickname without thinking that a band used these 3 letters.”

In 2010, Bruno began to work on a more standard instrumental album, Drops of Water Make a Mighty Ocean. “This album was more acoustic and was inspired by ecology. It was a reflection of what we can do as an individual in order to contribute, at our level, to a better world for tomorrow.”

Finally in 2017 the project Now Future was finished. This album is his first with lyrics and his first with other musicians. The ten songs are very interesting, some about his personal life, some about true stories around the world.

“This album is about a transition. It describes the era of change we might all live in as an individual, as a community or as humanity. Everything can happen in a bad or a good way. The transition is a change or passage from one state or stage to another. The past is like a Rainbow Trout which flees away. The future is like a breeze, sometimes a storm, in your face. The only thing which seems real is present but it’s just a subjective perspective caught between the past and the future. But however, the present is Now and remains the starting point for the Future.”

This album was created with the help of Christian Guggenbühl his mixing engineer friend and was masterized by the famous Tony Cousins.

SOURCE: Official Bio