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89994-newjaxcitymusic_Weeks was born on August 30, 1984, in Philadelphia, PA. Weeks always was an active young man growing up by playing football from elementary to High School and always a team player as well a star player. When Weeks was not on the field or in the gym he started taking his hobbies rapping seriously.

At this point of time, his Rap name was ‘Young Menace’. Like some kid’s growing up Weeks didn’t have it easy, So trouble wasn’t hard to find and the life that came with it. With the problem’s that occurred in High School most likely prevented him from proceeding his football career (Possession With The attempt To Sell On School Grounds)!

Fortunately, Weeks had other plans in the making also! Pursuing his music career and with a newborn on the way providing for his family. Turning to the streets to support his needs Weeks hustled all night and day to create a studio from the ground up and completed his mission. Promoting his self outside of night club’s adding more buzz to his street cred he went to California for a few months to promote his mixtape as an underground artist.

Now at home in Jacksonville Florida Weeks still reach’s for his goal as an artist, and as well as a businessman. With his Sixth Mixtape (NewJaxCity) and first album (In God We Trust) on the way.

SOURCE: Official Bio