Pat Badger from Extreme, Black Diamonds Teen Band and DeAngelis Studio of Music, team-up to provide a signed bass for Animal Rescue Merrimack Valley’s “Black Cat” Fundraiser!

Come out to Nevins Library in HAVERHILL, Mass. on on Friday, October 10th, 6 to 9pm at 305 Broadway in Methuen for ARMV’s annual Black Cat Benefit Bash! Tickets in advance $20 or $25 at the door. 978-374-7233,

Local teen band, Black Diamonds, have been asked back again to perform for ARMV’s guests and they can’t wait! Black Diamonds are happy to help this great charity.

Black Diamonds and DeAngelis Studio of Music Haverhill put in a call to their good friend, Pat Badger from Extreme and Pat came by to sign a bass for the cause.

Black Diamonds and the kids of DeAngelis Studio are very inspired by Pat Badger – besides being an amazing bass player, he is a wonderful person and very supportive of young musicians and animals too!

Please come out and place a bid on this black “Lefty Ibanez”, donated by Henry McIntyre of Black Diamonds along with some other goodies from the band and 1 month of free lessons from DeAngelis Studio – this is a great playing bass or keep it as an awesome souvenir!

Thank you Pat, Black Diamonds and DeAngelis Studio of Music!