Luper Dupree is set to drop their new song titled ‘Rain Hat Day’ on January 22nd. It’s been said that the best music comes from influence via personal experience. That can’t be more true with Troy Amidon, a.k.a. Luper Dupree. Capturing that magic moment of memory from childhood, ‘Rain Hat Day’ sings that song of the days of innocence and magical life of happiness without consequence. This is beautiful.

About Luper Dupree

Luper Dupree music, featured on several indie alternative specialty radio shows throughout the world and heard by the masses in primetime on national network television in America in response to the 2017 debut album “LD in LA”, returns with an inspiring new album “Hanging Out with Luper Dupree” for your radio listening pleasure.

Luper Dupree is Troy Amidon, the experienced independent recording artist from Los Angeles. And what began merely as a “just for fun” music-making project to exercise Troy’s recording necessity has turned into several radio shows around the globe spinning the tracks and the album has achieved some nice charting success thus far at college radio since October 2020 release.

The new single/video “Rain Hat Day” is a captivating short and sweet upbeat track with joyous harmonies recalling youthful memories of playing in the rain with childlike wonder. This song was mixed by Troy’s friend the Grammy Award winning Steve Hardy, and it begins with a powerful attention-grabbing a cappella intro that turns into a full blown psychedelic body moving drum and bass dancing groove.

The positive message Luper spreads is quite remarkable considering the amount of physical pain Troy has endured since childhood battling a severely chronic condition of Crohn’s Disease which has resulted in 3 near-death emergency surgeries all ending with the removal of portions of his intestines and way too many hospital stays in between to count.

He is very fortunate to still be alive. In 2019 he underwent 2 cadaver meniscus Arthroplasty surgeries due to extremely painful bones rubbing on bones in both of his thumb metacarpal joints, an effort to become pain-free and ultimately save his guitar-wielding hands. Thankfully, the surgeries worked.

Prior to the operations, not knowing if he’d ever been able to play guitar again, and performing through massive pain, LUPER recorded the new album “Hanging Out with Luper Dupree” with the help of a few friends including Dan Konopka (drummer/producer/mixer from the popular band “OK Go”) to express his gratitude and feelings for those near and dear to him, especially his wife and 3 young children.

Steve Hardy mixed 3 of the tracks, and the album was mastered by the renowned Maor Appelbaum. Troy doesn’t view his poor health as a negative curse, it’s just something about his biology that he deals with daily, and this obstacle he faces is truly a gift that, through his music and words, has given life to the rise of Luper Dupree.