DBMK have just premiered their new video for the track titled ‘Tough’. Set in an urban environment, the video is placed correctly with the music in that, visually, you get that feeling of being stuck in life. That feeling you get when you quietly ask yourself ‘Is this all that I am?’. Little do we know that only we control our own destiny. This is why I consider this song, ‘Tough’, a declaration. A liberation. Think about it for a second. We are watching a set of artists performing a track who, by the existence of said track, have proven that what they are conveying is true. They had the confidence. The ‘moxie’, to take that next step. That next ‘evolution of revolution’ and make themselves better as individuals by coming together and making a brilliant song and video that is a captivating as it is inspiring.

Live. Learn. Love.

About DBMK

Over the past few years, DBMK have accumulated an incredibly tight-knit fanbase – dubbed the “KULT” – by touring across the country and selling out numerous shows in their home state of Florida. Despite the touring limitations of 2020, the now Nashville-based duo persevered and released a 6-track EP titled ‘Jump in the Dark.’.

The EP performed impressive streaming numbers, reaching new fans and resonating with their longtime fanbase. With each new release, DBMK continue to push the boundaries of their eclectic but fresh alt-pop sound, crafting songs that explore the complex layers of the human experience — change, love, loss, joy, misery, triumph, disappointment — with compassion and curiosity.

DBMK’s genre-defying prowess is on full display on their newest single, “Tough.” Cohesively fusing catchy pop melodies, experimental electronics, textured percussion and even a standout guitar solo, Knudsen and Ward deliver a little something for everyone with this song.

“‘Tough’ is a song about feeling utterly stuck in the place you’re at in life and being constantly overlooked by a world that seems to be moving faster and faster around you,” the duo say in a statement. “This place that you’re stuck in could be school, a job, a relationship, or a state of mine. Do you have the confidence to get up and change your circumstances?”
