Driven by a solid beat with a totally grooved guitar riff, Equinox pass the mic to Hip-Hop mastermind Razorrawks for a colorful collaboration in the form of ‘Janine’. While the video paints the canvas with sonic shades of punchy pastels, the real gem is the track itself. Given a first listen it’s easy to see how ‘Janine’ can be left on repeat and everyone in the room would be fine with that. The rhythm is almost tribal on some levels and the chorus has an almost rallying quality about it. To the point, ‘Janine’ is an art form waiting to explode.

About Equinox
Equinox gained huge recognition in 2017 with the release of debut album It’s Hard To Be Happy When Your Head Is Full Of Sin which featured the track Kiss with electro-punk dance duo Feral Five chosen by Gideon Coe as his BBC 6 Music Recommends choice, pop genius Vince Clarke, and agit punk rock duo Deux Furieuses.  The video for Mule featuring pastoral-punk experimental trash artist Nat Lyon has had 12,500 views via Ralphs Life music blog.

His work was also featured by iconic BBC Lancashire presenter Steve Barker on the On The Wire show and several American underground radio stations continue to play Equinox’s collaborations with Ceiling Demons and Dementio 13 today.

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The new album features a further array of established and up and coming artists including Reed Hays of Reed & Caroline and Alka, both of whom currently record for Vince Clarke’s Very Records. Electronic punk-rapper Razorrawks collaborates on Janine and the legendary Helen McCookerybook formerly of Helen & The Horns and The Chefs joins forces on The Muse. Industrial Churchcore from Vukovar adds to the haunting Lament and fellow poet Lynn Gerrard joins forces on Broken along with the experimental sound of Xqui.

Artwork – Building A Future Together by Ashley Reaks.
Mastered by Void Vertex.