Where dissatisfaction is bohemian and vaguely Marxist in origin, Lover is here to show you the beauty in the darkness.
With a morbid longing for the picturesque at all costs – are you ready to explore a life no one thought could exist outside literature?
Lover is:
- Sarah bradbury
- Jamie moore
- Florence sabeva
- Alex villar
- Simon lacon
- Federico bianco
The bones of the band were formed towards the end of 2015, and they started on their debut album, ‘Human Geography’ in early 2016.
The album was completed just before they embarked on a mini UK tour supporting earl slick/bernard fowler’s station to station tour.

Whilst on tour the band started building a following and garnered great feedback from the public and industry insiders alike.
2017 is the year that lover decide whether you’re allowed to be part of their world or not.
About Fallen Famous:
The song came from a strong image of a run-down mansion and a group of young people wearing now tattered fancy clothes living there in faded grandeur in a post-apocalyptic world – almost playing at being the celebrities they once admired (and contributed to destroying). Like a sexier version of miss haversham and her house… the story is hard to pin down but it is something around the way we lionize and then tear down our heroes in today’s mass media culture – a micro version of how, as a race, we seem intent on destroying our home planet…
