Residing between Southampton and Sardinia, duo and childhood best friends Kiki and Sergio have reunited after twenty years, to begin work on the Moses Project.

Despite both having very different music influences, Kiki and Sergio both share a passion for performance. Kiki moved from Sardinia to the UK when he was 24, in the pursuit of working as a professional singer. Sergio stayed in Sardinia to work on his music there, touring and recording all around the Island. Their recent collaboration has resulted in the combination of two very different artists and genres, creating an exciting and exhilarating fusion of sound in the form of the Moses Project.

Both Kiki and Sergio have certainly managed to attract a lot of attention from people from all areas of the music industry. Kiki open a charity that was sponsored by the “Artful Dodger”, whilst they’re performing all over the UK. Drawing on influences such as Stevie Wonder, John Legend and Luther Vandross, Kiki has an amazing vocal range and an incredibly soulful voice. He was part of a R&B group called ‘3 Flow’, who were based in Manchester, and has also performed on UK television for the Michael Barrymore show.

Sergio has had much success with his band ‘Tamurita’. He took part in different TV show, festivals, concert with the band Tamurita, open shows for major group like Gogol Bordello & Ska P among others.

Tamurita won the 1st place to support the Italian Oxfam Charity. The band released their third album in 2012. The highly anticipated collaboration between both Sergio and Kiki has been a long time coming, and it certainly does not disappoint!

The long awaited ‘Save A Prayer’ is due for release soon, make sure you grab your copy!

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Moses Project FB Fanpage
Moses Project Instagram
Tamurita Reverbnation
Sergio Piras
Tamurita YouTube Channel
SergioPiras YouTube Channel
Kiki Fanpage
Kiki Website