For those of you from the American Region, you may be scratching your head and thinking, “I don’t understand The Lyrics.”  Well, I’m here to tell you 1st hand that if you listen with your heart you will understand the songs.  Music is the national symbol of peace, where all nationalities come together under one flag, which is the flag of music.  The guitar riffs Jay Godar writes, will put chills on your soul. Check out what he had to say during our interview.

Where are you originally from?
A city in north of Iran, Rasht.

When did you start performing music? 
I was 10 years old.

Which instruments do you play? 
Guitars, Keyboard, and Vocals.

Describe your music interests and abilities.  
Usually I write my songs and their lyrics, compose and record them in my home studio on my own.  I use help from a friend to mix, and master. My main style is rock.

What famous musicians inspire you? 
I love both classic and rock.  There is far to many to tell you all of my favorites, but I’m impressed by many classical musicians like Sebastian Bach, and many Rock Stars like Mercury, etc.

What public events do you have coming up? 
I have finished recording 2 single tracks and I will release them soon.  I’m also working to finish my second private album, and soon I’ll finish 2 collaborations that are currently in the works.

What would you say to beginners in the industry, who are nervous? 

“Every artist has a story to tell.”  “He should first find himself, and then he can do this.”

How do you balance your music with your family and friends?
That’s too hard for me, besides  music, I’m also a general surgeon, so I live between operating rooms and my home studio. I have little time to share with my family and friends, and that is too bad.

Should we be expecting anything new to be released?
I’m working on my 2nd album, the name is “Darkness,” and I will release it at the end of March.

Where can we follow your career at? 
For now I think the best places are my Soundcloud profile and My Facebook page.

Do you get nervous before a performance?
In Iran we don’t have permission to play our music live, and all the underground musicians who live here have this problem.

Do you attend jam sessions?
Yeah sometimes I’ll get together with a few of old friends, and we have fun. Beside the ability of players, I think the important part is everybody having a close musical taste.

Is your family musical?
Yeah, I have 2 brothers, my older brother plays keyboard and my younger brother plays guitar.

How do you handle mistakes during a performance?
I think that’s a part of any performance, I try to take it easy, and keep my concentration.

What are your thoughts on Another Destiny Project?
I like it, because it’s an amazing window to a world of musicians, and it’s a way to do something new.

How do you feel about working with artists from around the globe?
Trying to match new friends, who live so far from you, and to think in different ways is so exciting;

“It means that we are trying to talk to each other under the flag of music.”


About Johnny Naylor:
author-naylor-smJohnny Naylor is the founder and owner of 1st Shot Music and a feature writer for Jammerzine. His work can also be found on 1st Shot Music and Naylor’s Notes. You can also get his latest updates on his facebook page.