1. Shaky Ground Helen Counts 3:23

Helen Counts is a natural born singer and works with an up to the minute production house called Demo My Song® and 5050 songs Music Publishing in New York City. She began her musical career singing in coffee houses in her 20s on the East coast and then self published her own CD ‘Into Your Arms’ in 2002. She first broke into Spotify with her single ‘That Look’ on 7/21/2021, followed quickly by ‘Some Healing’ on 12/01/2021 which delved into the emotional impact of the pandemic.

She has now released “Shaky Ground” on 3/29/2022 with an even stronger indie rock sound. All her songs have both lyrical and visual intensity that captivate her listeners, and she has a very loyal following. She can write songs with varying musical styles and sounds which shows her broad interests and skills. She is busy working on her next single. She is based out of Madison, Wisconsin US.

SOURCE: Official Bio
