1. An Interview with Leon Todd Jammerzine Exclusive 1:57:12

Leon Todd is more than a musician in my opinion. He’s a mentor, a tutor, a reviewer, and a magician of sorts. Also, he’s a Youtuber. And a pretty stellar one at that. He has taken his passion for music and found roughly 5,610,970 (as of 9/12/2019) views from people looking to better their guitar playing or looking for new gear to better their sound. And among those 5 million+ is me. He has introduced me to so many different types of gear and, not just that, ways to experiment with my tone and setup as to make me sound better. To me, this is the very essence of Youtube. To all of you who think it’s a website to find all the funny little things that cats do can go over to Instagram and see what everyone’s having for lunch.

Leon is a full time working musician with his band Ragdoll as well as a teacher of music who has literally taken the career he loves and has made a Youtube channel dedicated to helping those guitarists out there who wish to better their tone and playing. And he does this in such an entertaining way as to not only NOT make you feel stupid (believe me I have felt stupid enough in this life 😉 ) but in a way that makes it entertaining. All good teachers teach their students in a way that is best for them and that way usually is done with a combination of information, determination, and with interest and enthusiasm.

Anyone of us can remember back to our school days and remember that one teacher that left us spellbound. Those teachers are also the ones who learn from us and that we remember what they taught us. Leon is one of those teachers. His personality is a combination of learned teacher and ambitious student and that is what shines through in his videos. And that is what keeps us glued to our monitors.

In this interview, which is more of a conversation, I learn even more from Leon about the determination of learning combined with the humbleness of learning from someone who takes the abilities of a good teacher and, not only earns a living from it but improves his quality of living with it. And that is something we should all learn.

Check out these few videos as examples of what to expect from Leon’s channel as well as his band Ragdoll.


Featured image by Elspeth Erickson Photography.
