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Paul Galagher, front-man for up and coming Brisbane, Australia band Mofoisdead, describes the band as “A schizophrenic orgy of sonic debauchery” and, after listening to the pretty steadily this last year I can safely say he is right. In an effort to find the man behind the madness I instead found the madness behind the man. Though Paul is a man of few words there is obviously a lot going on in his mind. I get the feeling more and more that he is a man who is constantly writing songs in his mind and feels that wasting words is one step away from destroying ideas and what he conveys is more between the lines and with his music.

Mofoisdead’s new EP, “Brisneyland” drops November 20th and we just dropped their latest “Born Shit Die” on our flagship station JammerStream One. Check it out below!

twitter25@mofoisdead [rotatingtweets screen_name=’mofoisdead’]


What people are saying:

“… will grab you by the throat and demand your reaction, in the politest way possible.” –

“Crunching guitars, soaring vocals and well written songs are the essence.” – May the rock be with you

“…a cascading mix of Zeppelin, Guns N Roses, and Muse, all delicately balanced to create a new unique sound that sets itself apart with a emerging focus on song writing and playing with unconventional song structures.” –

“…full of passion and the urge to shake your head, but do be careful, we won’t take any responsibility for you headbutting your monitor or someone near you on a bus…” – New Reviews UK