Lessons That Rock music instructors in August of 2014, will begin performing live-streaming performances over the internet actual audiences around the globe. The internet performances are designed to help students learn the ropes of basic gigging, and get over stage fright before they hit the real stage. Students who take that extra step of performing first in front of a live audience that they cannot see, are sure to do better overall at a larger venue where people actually show up. The idea behind internet performances is it allows students and young performers to grow and push themselves at a level they are comfortable with.

The live-streaming gigs are free to join as a viewer, and will available through Secondlife, an online gaming platform, as well as Youtube, and Google Hangouts. In some of the venues, online tipping is allowed, thus giving students something to work for; the better you perform, and the more well-liked you are, the more money you can earn from your music. There is already a large group of internet-savvy online performers, and online audience members across the globe.

The number one factor in becoming a better musician is practice, and behind every practice session is motivation. What better way to motivate young students to practice their instruments, than to offer them the chance to perform live, and to earn money while doing that? Lessons That Rock (http://www.lessonsthatrock.com) already currently has an established gig routine in Southern California, where dozens of students have learned to play in front of live audiences. This new electronic venue will simply open up doors to students who are more timid, or find themselves less willing to perform in public until they have first worked out all the bugs in the system.