- Animus vs. Anima Ms. MICHL 3:18
Ms. M|CHL, (pronounced: Mz Michael) is the living embodiment of contradiction. Her life, her music, and even her name all reveal her existence on opposite ends of the spectrum. Growing up a black girl in rural Oklahoma, Ms. M|CHL found solace performing in the church with her family, beginning at the age of five. At twelve years old she began writing songs and discovered the profound healing power music offered. While her earliest writings were inspired by her first influences of Prince, Whitney Houston, and Janet Jackson. Ms. M|CHL’s work would evolve into being impacted by her love for Nirvana, Soundgarden, and Nine Inch Nails.
After moving to Los Angeles, she began singing backup vocals for an array of Hip Hop artists, Blues Bands, and even a Latin Pop Singer. In 2020, she released her first full-length studio album, Anaxiphilia, a genre bending exploration of pain, fear, doubt, and heartbreak. With the pandemic cancelling all chances of touring, Ms. M|CHL went right back into the studio to begin writing her next project, Animus vs. Anima: The Esoteric Philosophy.
She was divinely fortunate to meet the multi-talented musician, rapper, writer, singer, producer, and cultural architect, Damon Turner (Trap Heals). Turner signed on to be co-writer and producer for Ms. M|CHL’s first EP. The partnership resulted in a new expression for Ms. M|CHL, one that leans into her haunting vocals and melancholy, dream centric storytelling but with a fresh approach to soundscape and rhythms.
Animus vs. Anima is a concise and poignant look at the struggles one faces when they must choose to listen to one’s mind or follow one’s heart. A notable departure from her debut album, Animus vs. Anima showcases Ms. M|CHL’s R&B roots while staying true to her alternative sound.
SOURCE: Official Bio