Dear Friends!!


We are going to update the graphics of the website and so we need your help for a new logo!!!

The rules for submitting are easy.

Send your logo to (jpg file) and we will publish into this facebook event:

so you can invite friends to join the event and then like and share your work.

You must include the world map in the logo (without borders 🙂 and fully written title “Another Destiny Project”. You can also decide to create a slogan that represents the ideas and the concept of the project! Collaboration, free music, open source, multi-genre, border-less, musical brotherhood, experimentation etc…

The image with most likes and shares summed when this event will start will win the contest and will be the new official logo!! The creator will gain a lot of exposure on all ADP networks and will be always credited as the official creator.

Please remember that the logo must be released under license of “Creative Commons Attribution”

Remember also that only the likes on the source image will be counted and not the likes on the shared ones.