Residential Grouse Lodge Studios in Ireland for two weeks, all expenses and airfare paid. This year’s winners include Stegall, John Jacob Magistery, and Nightmare Air. The entire experience will be documented by a professional camera crew. The idea came to seasoned record producer Filippo Gaetani, who is also founder of indie label Ray Recordings.

After working on several albums at the Grouse Lodge, he realized that only a few artists ever get to experience recording at such a high level, especially in our current era of home studios and DIY. The magic that can only happen in a beautifully outfitted studio with savvy engineers and pro musicians has somehow been lost in this brave new world of independence. is an opportunity that looks to bring the importance of that magic to the modern era. Contestants are simply required to submit a Soundcloud link to their best song, and pay a one-time $19 submission fee. The fee helps paying the staff, keeps the site running, and covers expenses associated with the launch. This year’s grand prize winners will fly to Ireland to participate in the recording event, slated for July 2015.