Sophie Kilburn has today released her new single titled ‘20%’. This song came at the perfect moment for me. I need this at this moment. This is an anthem for the downtrodden. Much like her previous song, ‘Afterthought‘, Sophie knows what to say, how to say it, and when to present it. Her tongue-in-cheekiness is a signature to this sound, but her lyrics show that she is an artist with heart and she bravely wears that heart on her sleeve. I wish I had her courage. I wish I had her swagger and bravado. We need more artists to call it like it is.

And, while I’m not going through a breakup or anything like that at the moment, life has taught me long ago that you don’t need a not-so-significant other to have those feelings. It’s just a way to process things in your life. It’s that composure and outlook you get at the end of those feelings is where you find your composure. And Sophie lets us know that with ‘20%’.

Check out our other features with Sophie Kilburn HERE.

About Sophie Kilburn & ‘20%’

With heart-pounding drums, classic rock guitars, and a bassline that bites hard, ‘20%’ is a track for the emotionally wounded.

Driven by Sophie’s unapologetically fiery vocals and tongue in cheek lyricism, this highly addictive track calls out hard truths, inspiring and urging her listeners to feel empowered to stand up for themselves.

Whether it’s jumping on your bed, singing into a hairbrush or blasting out at a house party with your mates, ‘20%’ is the perfect track to shake out the frustration of the modern world. A proper, grown-up fuck you for the masses.

As Sophie explains: “20% is about reaching the peak of your frustration and fighting for what you want. On the surface, it seems like a Charlotte from Sex in the City ‘curse the day you were born’ vibe but it’s calling out someone who is mistreating you and breaking free from being their emotional sponge and soaking up all their issues.

I can see some people listening to the song and thinking ‘ohhh that was cold she must be bitter it ended’, which is not the case at all. In fact, it’s that misconception that drove me to write the song. I wrote 20% with my good friend and fellow songwriter Nina Sundstrom over Zoom. It was out of the frustration of dating someone who would be intermediate in the affection and time they gave me and once responded to me addressing it by saying ‘well, I love at 20%’. I feel we can all relate to someone who refuses to address or acknowledge their behavior and so I wanted to bring power back to people who feel broken down by others. I hope people listen to the song and realize there is nothing wrong with living and loving to the max, anything less would frankly suck!

Sophie Kilburn

Featured image by Marieke Macklon.