The performers of hip hop known as the Street Addiction Muzik Group have released their latest LP record, “U.S.A.,” which acronym stands for “Undeniable Street Addiction.” The long-playing album comprises 18 original tracks for an approximate total listening time of an hour and 15 minutes. This superlative length brings Street Addiction’s new record closer to the average length of a double LP than to that of a typical long-playing album, which usually clocks in at 40-42 minutes. As might be inferred by the name of the artist, “U.S.A.” has been published on the Street Addiction Muzik Group independent record label. Aggressive, straight-up, and directly from the urban poets of America’s inner cities, “U.S.A.” is a milestone of hip-hop music for the new millennium.

Street Addiction Muzik Group’s “U.S.A.” record is a particularly momentous achievement for the rising rap label, which opened its doors in 2013 with such immediate successes as “REM” by the Young Moors, “Party x Bull—t” by Yum Pow, and “No Cut: the Red and Blue Tapes” by Hye Def. As a new show of cultural force, however, their new “U.S.A.” album features no fewer – and in fact more than – 15 individual hip-hop groups publishing music on the Street Addiction name.

SAMG writes of this: “’U.S.A.’ is a music compilation featuring many artists under the S.A. Muzik Group umbrella. Each artist has their own message. Each artist has their own style and content. This is what makes the project unique. The bar of quality and lyricism has been set. Each artist has set out to raise the bar. Each song will give you a different feel. This album is like a movie. It will play to your every emotion.”

Speaking of how the label came to be and what brought its various artists to music in general, they write: “We come from different backgrounds, but music is our savior. Growing up, music was the light that guided us through the darkness. It kept us level when things appeared shaky. This is true to this day. We’ve come together through a common love and passion for the hip-hop culture. Our goal is to preserve the music while contributing to and advancing it.”

The idea that the hip hop genre is sorely in need of help is not unique to Street Addiction, but the label’s genuine concern and determination to uphold and elevate the American-founded, urban music style is clear – and they have a plan of action.

“We’re from an era when songs weren’t written for radio,” they explain. “Songs were written from the soul. Today, everything on the radio sounds the same. There’s no variety. This compilation is anti-radio. It exhibits an array of styles. It’s from the heart. This is real hip-hop.”

“U.S.A. – Undeniable Street Addiction” from Street Addiction Muzik Group is available online worldwide now.