Iveta & Simone are a relatively new duo, but the two aren’t new to the industry; they have more than ten years of combined entertaining experience in New Zealand, Australia, and Europe, and their sound has been compared to Era, Eurythmics, and No Doubt.

Iveta Vasileva has been a vocalist since childhood and has performed all over Europe both solo and with bands. She’s won EURODISC and has been the recipient of the Grand Prix of Art Rock Center, and she has been featured on numerous top musical television shows.

Simone Brook, whose accolades include artist, songwriter, and performer, has also been in entertainment since childhood – at age 7, she was performing before audiences. She’s considered a “musical chameleon” and has been on TV talent shows such as Chickaboom and Opportunity Knocks.

Together, the duo is taking the music industry by storm. As a duo, they’ve already won awards, including the Throwback Akademia Best Song Award. Now, with the release of ‘L.O.V.E.’, they are bringing a fresh new sound that is worthy of a Davinci Code soundtrack with its edgy vocals and beat. Details can be found now HERE.

SOURCE: Official Bio
