Whether you were for or against Al Walser’s Grammy nomination in 2013 in the Best EDM category for his song, “I Can’t Live Without You”, one thing is for certain. Al Walser keeps pushing forward. After modifying his weekly syndicated show, “Al Walser’s Weekly Top 20”, heard right here on JammerStream One every Friday and Saturday at 10 and 10 US EDT, he has taken that very same liberty with his own music. With his last few releases such as “I Want My Money Now”, this transition has come to fruition with his latest single, “OCD”. Or has it? One thing is for sure. Al Walser will forever be evolving as an artist.

Check out his song “OCD (The Illustration of OCD)” below. And for a little insight and possibly inspiration for this song, check out this article on the website Calm Down Mind.

Al Walser’s show airs every Friday and Saturday on Jammer Direct’s own radio station, JammerStream One at 10AM and 10PM US EDT.
