atm-band-shot-color-8-5x11a toi me’SHen (pronounced A Toy Machine) based out of Orange County, California, is a unique blend of amazing talent featuring 3 lead vocalists from a wide range of various styles and backgrounds. The band includes influences ranging from rock, metal, hip-hop, pop, alternative, electronic and many more; in which contributes to a unique style and approach to modern music.

a toi me’SHen operates under the philosophy in which reflects directly through its name a toi me’SHen and the definition behind each word in the name. Hence the phonetic spelling for A Toy Machine. TOY – To be treated with less than due respect by another; to be toyed with for one’s amusement. MACHINE – A group of collective parts or individuals each serving their own purpose or function joined together to operate as a machine; a group of organized and powerful men (The Government).

a toi me’SHen has released their first video “Phony People”, a song taken off their self-titled album. This song reflects the reasons of what and who are using us, playing with us for their own personal gain and amusement!! Making us a toi me’SHen

Tony Lanza – Vox
Daynon Lato – Vox/Guitar
Scott Pitcock – Guitar/Back-Up Vox
Doug Miller – Bassist
Jake Fight – Drums/Vox