93282-asia_meiIn asia’s world there are no borders and no boundaries. Not geographically, not musically. Everything musical asia touches blurs and combines genres and influences. Whether it’s her singer/songwriter rock music that brings serious classical piano skills and masterful arrangements or an orchestral piece that draws on blues and metal. All is fair game. All is a personal expression.

Asia was born in russia, grew up in israel and continued to move between boston, new york city and western ma. Classically trained as a pianist and choral singer in the rubin conservatory in jerusalem asia made the change to popular music by obtaining a degree in contemporary writing and production from berklee college of music.

Asia’s musical career centers around the singer/songwriter journey. With melancholy, introverted, emotional and ernest dark rock. Asia released her debut “shards” in 2006, acclaimed single “big apple tree” in 2010 and hailed melancholy album “introverse” in 2011. The deeply personal journey chronicled in the ep “trauma and solace” was released on 11.15.15.

While performing as a rock musician asia continued to compose, as well as working professionally as an arranger, studio assistant, musical director and educator.

After a move to western mass. With husband, musician and scholar andres wilson and the birth of their daughter eden, asia went back to graduate school to obtain her master’s in classical composition from umass amherst. The studies sparked an interest in larger scale composition and performances and competition wins were soon to follow.

Asia is the 2015 winner of the ben steinberg young composer award for jewish choral music.

SOURCE: Official Bio
