I have in the Rap Game so far I have over two hundred & fifty, feature on the internet service via unsigned artist submission. I have even play in the United Kingdom Radio. As in Twitter artist website also Facebook Radio, Different website for unsigned artist.
My first mix tape name Trap Alive whit twelve track My headline song name is (CASH) is Featured on over twenty Coast2Coast Mix Tape Makin Moves Mix-tape Vol 145,159,165,174,178,196.199 and more, Also I have submitted the music to over 300 unsigned Artist radio FM/XM Stations My song’s play on them Even in the UK Radio stations , It is also post on different website for unsigned artist.
As a unsigned artist that is producer my new mix tape name Trap Alive whit twelve track, My headline song name is (CASH) I will send you a copy of the song Cash and some extra song ‘s as well. If you are if you are interest in my music you can contract me here my information.
MixtapeFactory: http://mixtapefactory.com/Trap-Alive.html
Mixconnnect: http://mixconnect.com/listen/Trap+Alive-mid35939
Coast2Coast: http://coast2coastmixtapes.com/member/duke
DopeTracks: http://www.dopetracks.com/Duke202
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/dukehov
Datpiff: http://www.datpiff.com/Duke-Trap-Alive-mixtape.645834.html
Reverbnation: http://www.reverbnation.com/duke64
NerveDJsMixtapes: http://www.nervedjsmixtapes.com/search.htm?search=trap+alive&mode=M
Spinn up: http://spinnup.com/en/release/trap-alive/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/dukehov
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006559650280