I am Corporate Christ. I am a singer/songwriter from Cardiff, UK. (Originally from the South Wales valleys)

“The Pornographer” is my debut album and with it I wanted to talk about my difficult past, growing up as a homosexual in a valleys town where that was not widely accepted, and about my battle with Schizophrenia, drug addiction and 5 years in a psychiatric hospital, as well as suffering from a serious bowel disease which almost killed me.

Yet despite all this, I feel stronger and more sure of myself and my place in the world.

I got sick of people saying “I don’t mind gay people as long as they don’t shove it down my throat.” – I thought why the fuck shouldn’t I shove it down their throats? I have to see heterosexuals kissing and holding hands. What’s the difference? That’s partly why the album is so in your face.

“The Pornographer” is a concept album. While I was in the hospital for those 5 years I felt all I could do was watch the world from afar like the director of a porn movie who has to watch all the action but can never take part. It was a bleak time in my life yet I am strangely grateful that the ordeal finally helped me overcome my mental illness.

Soon after being discharged from the psychiatric hospital I developed a serious bowel disease and needed emergency surgery to save my life. It took a long time to recover and whilst most people would despair at the endless bad luck, I instead focussed on the music. The first song to be recorded was “Emancipation” which explores the shallow, fickle nature of the gay scene. I think the scene is too focused on sex and body image.

If it wasn’t for the great friends I made, I would avoid the scene like a plague.

The sound of the album was very much inspired by bands like Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails, yet takes a lot of influences from dance music and electro too which gives the songs an almost pop feel in places.

SOURCE: Official Bio
