Guitarist and songwriter Adam Shankweiler stand at the helm of the Deja Who project and all songs are performed, written, and recorded by himself. Deja Who came to fruition after Shankweiler became heavily inspired by a book called “The Egg” by Andy Weir. The concept of the book never left his mind and over the years the artist has found a major connection between his music in that very same inspiration.

Picking up at a guitar when he was only 13 years old, music was one of Shankweiler’s first loves. It wasn’t long after that he began creating music based on a vision. Years of dedication and support have gone into his musical journey and it seems it’s still only the beginning for the artist.

After writing a song dubbed “Deja Who”, Shankweiler’s father asked him “why don’t you just call your band that?” Immediately finding a connection and meaning behind what he was writing, the name stuck.

SOURCE: Official Bio