With the release of the Trailheads album, Emigrant West brings a new feel to a classic genre. Lush with addicting progressions, soulful vocal harmonies, and an alternative pop undertone, the record boasts the aesthetic of folk-pop anthems. Although the songs are diverse from one another, there is a glue that holds them all together much like a concept album would. Most importantly, the album never loses sight of the emotional platform great songs are built from.

The first single, “Dancing Trees,” is an instant alt-pop classic. Complete with a driving percussion, a powerful chorus, and loads of musical hooks, the song seems to breathe and build as it plays on.

“I wanted to create an awesome scene of imagery for this song. I really love the idea of two people just getting lost together while trees dance with approval in the background. The lyrics reflect my first real relationship and how our initial hesitation almost caused us to miss out. We were worried about worldly standards and how people might judge or not understand us. There was also genuine apprehension, but I wanted to express to her that we could let all of those things fade away and just experience how much we enjoyed being together. The trees and the Earth around us don’t understand the silly reasons humans let come between them and relationships, they just know when something worth dancing” explains songwriter Peter Creasman of his single.

Although the single does speak volumes for the album, to get a real understanding for where Emigrant West is coming from, it should be heard in its entirety.

“This is definitely a song that has modeled how I view my sound as a singer/songwriter. It was produced and the final product finished in such short an amount of time it kind of hit me off guard. Listening to this track was the first time I started recognizing my identity and sound as a singer/songwriter. I’m so thankful for the hard work and influence SE productions put into this song with me. Dancing Trees has been a great initial foundation, from there I have been able to experiment and discover new sounds and styles. I’m so excited about the new music I’m already writing and I’m not even sure where it’s taking me. But Dancing Trees will always be something I am very proud of and will always be a staple for Emigrant West.” says Creasman of the album and songwriting approach.

After the breakup of his band The Sunday Morning Boys, a band consisting of his brother and two friends, songwriter Peter Creasman decided to start putting together his solo material. Having been writing since the age of only 15 when his first song To Be With You was inspired, Creasman had plenty to write about but hadn’t really taught himself guitar quite yet. Eventually, he learned to accompany himself with a guitar and things opened up much more for his writing in general. Much of Creasman’s inspiration has come from his adventuring and time spent in the wilderness. Raised in Northern California, he constantly ventures on backpacking trips to the Sierra Nevadas where he is consistently inspired. Since he was young he has also traveled to Alaska each summer where he has family and friends. There he gets a unique experience of wonderful adventures the mountains and wilderness have to offer. As a young singer-songwriter, Creasman writes about life experience and the emotions they bring up. The Trailheads record is the epitome of where he is at now with his sound and songwriting.

Trailheads is now available for streaming and downloads on most major digital outlets and Emigrant West performs locally in the greater Sacramento area while working on new material for upcoming releases.

SOURCE: Official Bio
