Finding Sean through social media was a godsend. As a producer, I want to work with new artists and create great tracks. When I head this song I loved the heartfelt message and wanted to enhance that so I gave it a cinematic kind of production. I felt that was what the song deserved

Sean and I come from two very different music-making/creating traditions in that whilst he’s out there performing live and touring around Europe most of the year, I’m in my bedroom on my laptop.

It was great to come together with him and I feel very proud to be a part of this great song.

We live in a world where racism is a big problem and even those who hold high office in a number of countries have shown themselves to be racist on occasion too, This song tackles that and gives voice to a very modern-day fact of life that needs to be addressed.

And on top of that Sean delivers it from his gut which I think adds to the poignancy of his message and the beauty in his song. It certainly made me want to work with him and we are going to be working on another track.

Tim Pitt – Equalisation