98546-VideoGirls Bite Dogs is an indie alternative electronic pop band based in Barcelona, Spain. Flavio Ferri and Fabrizio Rossetti, both Italians based in Spain, define themselves VISUAL MUSICIANS because their music always created images inside their head.

On 13th May 2016, they released their first album, GRETA QUIT IRONING, where 8 female singers share the 13 song and the 13 music videos the two artists created.

Flavio Ferri reached his popularity at the begin of the 21st century with his Italian band DELTA V while Fabrizio Rossetti was always divided between music and filmmaking.

3 out of the 13 songs are not in English. There is a Chinese song, one Russian and another one in Spanish.

They are also collaborating with Younes Bachir, a former member of Fura dels Baus, one of the most important alternative theatre Company of the world, working on the live show, an artistic portable installation.

SOURCE: Official Bio
