95953-The_team,_Hashtone_AlleyAs rich as the life stories of our collaborators have been, trying to come up with a condensed version would be like trying to transport an elephant in a Volkswagen. In truth, knowing them will do little to improve the listening value of the music we put out. The optimal introduction to Hashtone Alley is to disconnect the music from that background, as well as from any kind of garden-variety music genre. If you’re really curious, however, the LP slated to come out in mid-2016 – The Memoirs of Hakeford Wart (issued by Strawberry Rain) – is equipped with an entertaining bio of the early years of Peter Wale’s musicmaking career. If, for some reason, your curiosity compels you to dig deeper into the causal background behind the writing of the music – why someone would write songs like those featured in this campaign – there’s a series of essays on a wide variety of subjects at erniegreeneswall.blogspot.com and a site where the lyrics can be found: http://peterwale.blogspot.com/ There is also some rather more anecdotal stuff on our subdomain at hashtonealley.mymusicstream.com, in which we describe some of the interesting experiences and developments of this current period of our struggle to make creative fulfillment and wider recognition blend together in one seamless package.

We recognize that it will only be through collaborating with the right people that we will ever be able to use our material to make a truly compelling LP – one that blows by the normal impediments to being heard and embraced by those predisposed to liking what we produce. The most significant of those impediments is access to superlative support musicianship, production and recording facilities. The central purpose of this campaign is to make some headway toward surmounting that challenge.

SOURCE: Official Bio
