Performing on the sidelines with a number of bands in the greater Boston area, J.Van Cleave is certainly not new to playing for an audience. The multi-instrumentalist has worked with bands playing mandolin, violin, guitar, and even percussion.

Deciding that he wanted to begin a new project focused on his own original material, the songwriter began to put together a group of songs worthy of making a record with. After finalizing the material, he needed to find the right musicians for the project.

Reaching out to a certain group of local players he likes to refer to as “the dream team”, Van Cleave had his line up solidified, and has already gone on to record two EP’s this year. The first of the releases dubbed Well Now! Is made up of a set of songs with an Americana feel while the more recent Hardware Living is a diverse collection of songs and acts as a testament to where they are at with their sound right now.

SOURCE: Official Bio