
Kivanc Kilicer started his professional music career as the frontman of the hard n’ heavy band Element in 2007.

After composing and releasing two studio albums with the band, he focused on his international solo project Gravity, where he found himself exploring various combinations of contrast tunes and blending them with pure hard rock sound.

“Unable to contain the everlasting resource of melody and riff inside of me, I couldn’t just enjoy listening to and covering music. Therefore I decided composing my own in 2005. My main interest has always been a blend of progressive rock and symphony; both of which require special attention on emotions, balance and clarity”

Having a solid experience on VSTs and DAWs, Kivanc created his home studio in 2010, which took him to a new level of non-stop creation. He worked through all processes of composing his songs including writing the lyrics, recording the instruments, singing the vocals and doing his own mixes. Strapped down under the genre limitations of local record companies, favouring more traditional pop/rock sound and following different musical expectations of former band members he decided to proceed on his own.

“It was another level for me where I finally created my first solo tracks at an international scale. A brand new experience, a brand new world”



  • 2007 – Lead vocalist of Element on the Cehennem album. Extras: All lyrics for 8 songs including the title song were written and composed by Kivanc
  • 2008 – Performed at Park Orman, as the only opening band for the legendary Scorpions in their Humanity tour
  • 2009 – Composed “Neden” as a soundtrack for a local movie project
  • 2010 – Lead vocalist and lead guitarist of Element’s 2nd album – The Ant where most of the songs were Kivanc’s compositions
  • 2013 – Element was chosen as the sole opening band for Europe’s Final Countdown Istanbul Concert
  • Four professional video clips were put on rotation in national channels
  • Numerous gigs in various cities
  • Numerous commercial projects and jingles for premium domestic brands
  • Three film soundtrack compositions
