Matt Weidauer’s love for music began at the age of only 7 years old when he discovered Elvis Presley. Obsessing over his music, films, and overall persona, Presley opened up major music doors for Weidauer. The more he listened to the music beyond the voice, the more he started to realize the instrumentation that laid the foundation for Presley’s vocals. Picking up a guitar as a young teenager, Weidauer learned the basics but it wasn’t until high school that things really took a turn.

Performing in bands on guitar, bass guitar, and later drums, the artist ended up being a part of different bands in an array of genres until, when he was 17, he became inspired by folk music and soon after, his solo project began.

The self-titled Matt Weidauer release is a testament to where he is at with his sound right now.

SOURCE: Official Bio